Insurrection-Resurrection Services

Insurrection Resurrection Service in 4 Parts


Part 1:  The Existence Republic


The door between non-existence & existence opens to the Existence Republic.  The Republic’s workforce is created & culminates in a recreational dance which results in the erection of the great embracer who releases the population to fight the Big Boot that oppressed it. 


Part 2:  Two Simultaneous Events:


  1. A nuclear war observance in the Hiroshima Garden
  2. A fiddle sermon on the Insurrection-Resurrection theme in the Pine Forest


This is followed by bread distribution at the Breadhouse


Part 3:  A no-justice-no-peace parade to the Papermache Cathedral


Part 4: The mitigation-wall presentation in front of the Cathedral.


For inquiries about booking a Bread and Puppet Performance please contact [email protected]